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Why steelbuilding? In Italy, unlike other countries, there is not enough use of steel constructions, the cultural factor and training design tend to snub still to this day this type of construction. This choice is very questionable given the major advantages associated with it.

SIMPLICITY: The steel , thanks to its remarkable properties , allows you to create structures quickly and flexibly. The ability to pre-assemble in the factory reduces costs and many of the problems of the construction site.

CONVENIENCE : There are many advantages in structural steelbuilding, the diverse possibilities of work allow maximum freedom of architectural design and slim profile the possibility of substantial distances between the pillars  encouraging maximum illumination and full use of available space . Another winning element of steel structures is the overall lightness that allows smaller foundations with consequent savings in excavation and concrete use.

SAFETY: A steel structure is earthquake-proof because it is very flexible as well as durable. From the metallurgical point of view the steel is homogeneous and isotropic as a matter of fact responds to forces in the same way regardless of where it is stressed and has physical-chemical qualities uniform everywhere throughout the material.

SUSTAINABLE: Any steel structure is 100% recyclable and can be dismantled very quickly and very easily when compared with other materials. The life of steel is considerably long , thanks also to the different surface treatments applicable such as galvanizing and painting , thus avoiding maintenance or renovations in time which would involve the use of energy and disposal of materials .

Click here to download the Handbook of theoretical weights (italian).